Microsoft Hololens - 3d model basic control

Microsoft Hololens – 3d model basic control

Here is a simple demo of 3d model controlling (e.g. engine model, car model, etc.) . The main idea is to remember which command each “blue square” represents ;o) 

The application has a few basic commands:

  • 1/ start / stop engine parts rotation
  • 2/ Zoom in
  • 3/ Zoom out
  • 4/ Left rotation of the model around Y axis
  • 5/ Right rotation of the model around Y axis

This simple application can control various 3d models.

It’s the same app as the previous demo of engine control. Changing 3d model inside the app took about 30 minutes including downloading the model, building and deployment into hololens and capturing this short movie.


Here are a few images from this demo: